Frequently Asked Questions

Quick answers to common questions. Look for your solution in our frequently asked questions (FAQs), or try our comprehensive Knowledge Base to keep your business running.

Through the MSDS link on the Support page or via the Product Documentation section.

Paper misfeeds can be caused by the condition of the paper and how it is loaded. Paper should be stored in a dry, cool place and ensure you 'fan' the paper before loading.

You can also try printing from another tray. If this is successful, replace all paper in the problem tray with fresh paper from a new ream.

Be sure to check the correct paper size is set in the problem tray before you print by adjusting the three 'fences' in the paper tray so they are gently touching the sides of the paper.

An SC service code may be caused by something obstructing the finisher or stapling unit. Check there is nothing obstructing the trays (like a waste paper bin). Switch the power off, wait for ten seconds, then switch the power back on. If the problem still occurs, contact us for further assistance.

Lift the lid and clean the thin glass strip of your copier with an alcohol wipe, office wipe or dry cloth.

Your device will stop working if you wait until the waste toner bottle is full. Be prepared with a spare waste toner bottle. When the ‘nearly full’ message is displayed, replace with the new waste toner bottle.

Your Windows 10 PC may be running the incorrect Ricoh printer driver. Download the latest printer driver, extract and install. Your system will be up to date and the slow printing issues experienced under Windows 10 should be fixed.

Open all paper trays and check paper is stacked correctly with the three fences sitting gently against the paper. Leaving the trays open, switch the power off, wait ten seconds then turn the power back on. If the problem still occurs, contact us for further assistance.

Have a spare toner cartridge ready to go. Don’t replace the cartridge until the toner empty notification appears - this maximises your toner use.

It’s easy to book a service request online. Your job is logged automatically and you receive a job confirmation number.

Use the service request online and enter your serial or job number.