Enhancing Speed and Efficiency


The supply chain industry is full of manual processes. This makes it ripe for digital innovation. This is exactly what Ricoh did. They looked at a process and said “we can automate that”. Not only did they automate the process, the applied enterprise thinking across it with monitoring failures built in and improvements to our overall customer data quality


Coda is an innovative logistics company that enables end-to-end cargo flows within the supply chain, from import through to delivery for major retailers in New Zealand.

Coda’s Goals

  • Automate the capturing and processing of shipping container manifests.
  • Increase the speed and accuracy of data captured into their Warehouse Management System (WMS)
  • Achieve overall cost savings for the business.

Project Outcomes

Automated system integration – Manifests received via email from shipping companies are processed automatically day and night, without user intervention, avoiding processing bottlenecks.

Reduced cargo handling time – When containers are opened at a warehouse, the contents have already been processed by the WMS into pallets, ready for immediate put-away.

Improved productivity – Team members are freed from the mundane tasks of data capture, to focus on higher-value work. Data capture errors have been eliminated, allowing team members to focus only on true exceptions.


Robotic Process Automation using Microsoft’s Power Automate platform. Microsoft Windows Virtual Machine for quick and flexible virtual computing solutions and Microsoft 365 for leveraging licences.

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